The major objectives which SERVE focused are: Aware, educate and equip the Tribal,Dalit and Slum dwellers to work collectively for their own transformation towards quality and dignity of life, ensuring right and entitlements.
Facilitate and prioritize children’s formal and continuing education with proper foundation, remedial support, for increasing enrollment and reduce drop out with special focus on girl child.
Address their skill deficit of youth with training of alternate skill, equip for use of technology to make them employable for gainful livelihood security.
Promote health, hygiene and nutrition awareness & educate on mobilization of available resources for alternate nutrition.
Educate the adolescent girls & youth on sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, drug and substance abuse.
Aware and educate on the responsible use of local resources; land, water & forest, become sensitive to environment, bio-diversity and gain knowledge on natural resource management. Educate & facilitate women empowerment process through promotion of groups, micro-entrepreneurship generating additional income and support with focus on gender mainstreaming and equity.Promote community decision making process and negotiation skill to mobilize government schemes & entitlements and participate in the local governance.